Saturday, December 8, 2012

It's Easy Peasy Blogger Snow Time!!

Had to let you all know I found a really simple way of adding snow to a Blogger blog this year.  It was posted at Edgy Tricks.  How to I find these things.  I 'Googled' "12/2012 blogger code for snow effect."  The link to the Edgy Tricks blog is HERE and showed up near the bottom of the page.

 The code looks totally weird:
 <Script Language='Javascript'>
I told you it looks funny.  :-)  But it oh so works so well:
  1. Drag your cursor over the whole code and right click on it.
  2. In the drop down click on Copy.  (It's now stored in your computer memory (clipboard).
Open up a tab/window next to my blog tab.   Follow the steps below.  SOOOOOO EASY compared to the other stuff.  At the end of snow season it's so much easier to delete too!!!
  1. Sign into your Blogger account on the new tab.
  2. On your Dashboard go down the left hand column to Layout and click on it.
  3. At the bottom of your layout page is a Footer section and you should see another "Add A Gadget" link.  Click on it.
  4. In the pop up window go down the list to and click on it. 
  5. In the new box you will see a place for a title.  Leave it blank.  If you name it, the name will appear at the bottom of your blog on the left.
  6. Right click and in the drop down click on Paste.
  7. Click the orange SAVE on the bottom left.
  8. Click on Save Arrangement in upper right hand corner of the Layout page.  
  9. Your are done until snow season was over.  
  10. When that happens go to the Layout page and delete the gadget.
If you have questions or need help, email me.  Off to finish my Christmas Cards!!!  Have a great weekend.



Donna Ellis said...

Thanks, Shirley! I like the soft snowfall. ((hugs))

Alice Hobbs said...

Hi grreat reading your blog

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