Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays To You And Yours

Thank you so much for stopping by so I can wish you a very Happy Holidays and a wonderful healthy Happy New Year too. Thank you for all of your visits and for sharing your thoughts and time with me.  I hope to post more in the new year too.

This beautiful ornament is from alongway99 on Photobucket.

Love and hugs to you all, my blog friends.





Jackie said...

Merry Christmas, Shirley!

Donna B. said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you Shirley!!

Patti J said...

Merry Christmas to you too, Shirley! Hugs and blessings...

Suzanne C said...

Shirley A very merry Christmas! I hope all is well! Blessed New Year!

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Merry Christmas, Shirley!

Greta said...

Merry, merry Christmas & best wishes for the new year!

Donna Ellis said...

Warm, cozy hugs being sent your way, Shirley, with wishes for a 2013 full of health, new opportunities, and much happiness. ((hugs))

Paper Creations by Shirley said...

Hi Shirley, I hope your Christams was wonderful and wish you a Happy, Healthy & Creative 2013 ! Shirleyx

Colleen Dietrich said...

Shirley, I hope you had wonderful holidays. Happy New Year!

Cheryl said...

I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Have a Blessed and Happy New Year Shirley.

Donna Ellis said...

Shirley, love the tutorial up on the IO blog today! Looks really fun - I can do that, too! Lovely card. hugs, de

Curt in Indy said...

Just stopped in to check on you and let you know you are missed! I always love to see your beautiful work. Hope you are doing well! Best, Curt

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