The first class was given by P K Glitz (formerly known as Powder Keg). There were 3 tables and people moved from one table to the next to do the 3 cards. I have to say I learned some techniques that I am going to try with my glitter within the next few weeks. We used the following materials and tools to complete each glittered area on each card:
1. Sticky paper - It is much thinner than Red Tape and only one side is sticky.
2. Small Plastic Spoons - To spoon small amounts of glitter to an area instead of pouring from jar.
3. Paper Coffee Filters - For each color of glitter to apply and catch brushed left over glitter.
4. Brush - To brush off excess glitter from image.
5. Stencil Images - Darice and Dreamweaver.

I can honestly say after doing these cards, I do not think I would do any glitter project without the Sticky Paper or something similar. It really makes it quick.
This last card was done Friday Evening at the Make and Take session. Lots of people attended. There were projects by all of the vendors at their individual tables. You worked your way from table to table. I chose this card because I love the stamps of course. I also met Mitra Friant, the owner of Impression-Obsession. She taught the card and then manned her booth on Saturday and Sunday too. Her card was also one the most popular ones that night. She is a bolt of lightning in action and it was very all three days.

The main image is from the NEW clear cling set By the Seaside . She/He was colored with colored pencils. All of the designs that went on the white and yellow cardstock are from the NEW clear cling set Circle Elements #1. This the really great part about this set. When you look at it in the pack, it looks like there is one big stamp with the Large scallops and then the dots in a circle (shown below), etc. are all one stamp. They are not. They are individual so you can choose and ink them with different colors easily. I stamped each design separately and it was super easy to stamp evenly by working from the outside (biggest) inward (smallest). I believe the ribbon is by May Arts and the inks were Adirondack Dye Inkpads. Look at all of the combinations you can make. What a cool set.

I have to say the convention was wonderful and so were all of the people. I ran into several from Technique Junkies, and also people who asked about the group because I had the great pin on that Lisa Somerville made.
There was one spot of humor that I am sure happens at every convention, but I have never noticed it before evidently. I went out in the middle of the afternoon on Saturday to get some water and there must have been around 10 men or more waiting. They were all together in chairs and a couple looked very uncomfortable, others had reading material, and some just looked bored. I thought how wonderful they were to bring their wives and not mind waiting until they returned. Ha! I also saw men inside though looking at and shopping for items just like their wives. Saw several new techniques I hope to try in the next few weeks.
Thanks for stopping by "the blog" to hear about the convention. I will not bore you with what I brought back with me.
Shirley, tell us more and do you have more of your own creations to show us.
Connie Paxman
Shirly, gorgeous cards, thank you for sharing, you always give me inspiration!
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