I am going to attempt at times to post what I think will help bloggers like 'us' so:
1. Let me know if it helped you. If you have additional questions email me at the EMAIL ME on the side bar to the right. I will place it on a list if there is one. Ha! Maybe I am the only one who thinks this is needed.
2. Let me know if you have found a quicker and better way.

3. I will most likely post these when I can. In the meantime I will have a label for these posts and list them in my side bar under 'My Blogger Tips'?
TIP #1 For Bloggers Using Google (How to Get a Separate POP-UP WINDOW)
1. Go to your Dashboard if that is where you go before posting, etc.A separate pop-up window means that the person visiting you blog can comment
while looking at your art. It is really helpful when there is more than one photo or scan posted. It is really helpful with those of us who have so much knowledge our short term memory goes wacko! It also might encourage more people to visit and comment too!
2. Click on the Settings Tab
3. Click on the Comments Tab
4. Go down to Comment Form Placement
5. To the right of that click on the 'Pop-Up Window' choice
6. And the last most important MUST before leaving the page:
GO DOWN TO THE BOTTM OF THE PAGE and click on SAVE SETTINGSHope this advice was helpful. Thanks for stopping by the blog to look and share!
If you don't do this nothing has been changed.
Don't you dare ask me how I know? Because the answer is how I know most of what I know because I have done it!!![]()
Well, thank you Shirley! That was 'very' helpful and I just changed mine to a pop up window. Before that... I had no clue :D.
PS- what a great idea, and it was in 'understandable' terms too :).
Thanks Shirley... Keep this up and my blog is going to look great like yours!
Thanks Shirley! I always wondered how that was done. I also saw on there that when someone leaves a comment it can be emailed to me. I didn't know I could do that either!
This is a great tip! thanks for the info!
I think it is a great idea to give blogging tips. There are always new bloggers out there that can use them.
Thanks Shirley -- I've been wondering why mine didn't do that! Thanks to you, now it does.
Aren't you nice! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with some new bloggers (or some old ones), with this tip.
You da bombetta!
I used this tip the other day! Thanks! :)
Thanks so much for those tips...that is awesome that you're looking out for all of us! Thank you even moreso for leaving all of those wonderful comments on my blog...I can't tell you how much that meant to open my email and see all your wrote..totally makes what I do worthwhile! You are SO sweet!!!
Hi Shirley,
I'm passing along a Blog Award to you. Visit my blog to see what I'm talking about!
Thanks again shirley! so kind of you to share your knowledge! Still having trouble leaving a like to my blog here in the comment section???
Thanks so much Shirley. I just wipped over to my blog and fixed it. I to find it easier to comment when I can still see the post...seniors moments I call it.
Shirley...I just love your blog page... I've learned how to fix my comments like so many others I'm sure...Thank you Bunches..." Clap Clap Shirley"
Hugs to you
Thanks Shirley! I always loved this on other people's blogs but never thought to do it on mine, lol, until I saw this post! TFS!!!
Thanks, Shirley! I needed to change back to the old interface on blogger because the new one does not offer these options (unless I was looking so hard, that I couldn't see the options!) I appreciate your help in making the blog easier to view.
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