I received 2 wonderful awards. The first one comes from a dear friend I met in the Yahoo group at Technique Junkies and is the I Love Your Blog Award. Her name is Terri and her blog is
Life with Terri. Besides blogging, she also has an
Etsy shop. The rules for her award are to link back to her, name 7 things about myself (I just did this last week and you can find them
HERE :-), and then name 7 people to receive the award. Thank you Terri and I love your blog too.

The second award is from another dear Technique Junkie friend, Vicki Potter. Her blog is called
Orion Designs. One thing about Vicki that is different is that she makes jewelry. She lives in Alaska and sells on
Etsy. How cool is that. The rules for her award are the same as for the award above, except I don't have to tell on myself.

Ladies, I want to thank each of you for these awards. I love the awards, its the time to find people who want the award and have the time to research others who deserve it, but haven't received it. So here is my decision on these two awards. I believe anyone who has a blog and creates deserves either of these two awards. You may have the award and must link back to here and then either name 7 people or do what I have done. There, that made me feel like Queen For A Day, and if you remember Art
Linkletter too, you may be too old to blog.
Thanks for stopping by 'the blog' to check up on me.
Lol! I 'do' remember Art Linkletter! I was very little, but I remember his show with all the kids :). Congrats on your awards!
Congratulations!!! No one deserves these awards more than you .. well, except me.
LOLOL, I kid!
Thanks for all the kind words you said about me. I feel the same way about you too.
You deserve both awards Shirley -- I love your blog!
Congats on your award. Well deserved.
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