
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

**Check Your New Commenting Choice**

As of 10/23/08 from Blogger Buzz:

Update, 10/23: We regret that this feature is being
enabled for some existing blogs that didn’t specifically enable it. We are
working to undo that, but in the meantime if you see this on your blog and don’t
want it, go to Settings > Commenting and change Comment Form Placement to either “Full page” or “Pop-up window.”
I noticed the problem yesterday when I was trying to post on someone's blog and it wouldn't let me. I emailed her about it. She came back later and told me I had the same problem. I hope those of you who are reading this will choose "Pop-Up Window". It is so much easier to comment on the card, etc. while being able to look at it.

Thanks for stopping by 'the blog' and sorry for the interruption.





  1. Oh I hope this works now, cuz I have been trying for ages to post a comment today!

  2. Yup, I've had the same trouble with Blogger!!!

  3. Yea!!! Love your RAKS and being able to post again!

  4. Same problem at my blog today- I just fixed it!

  5. Thanks so much for this tip, I've been wanting to have the pop up window for ages and didn't know how to do it. Much appreciated. Chris x

  6. I so agree. I love the pop up comment window!

  7. See, Shirley, I always learn something new on your blog!!!
    Thank you!
    Blessings, Maria

  8. So far I haven't had any problem. I love the pop up window

  9. You are always so kind and sharing, Shirley - thanks for the handy tip!

  10. You're always on top of things Shirley!

  11. I agree. I love the pop up window but didn't know how to fix it on my blog. THANKS for the helpful hint!

  12. Thanks for this tip! I'm a new bloger as you seen and I find this a very nice feture. I did change my Comment window to "POP-UP" and love it!! Smiles... :)

  13. I totally agree - pop up is the only way to go!! I love that I can scroll through multiple posts without leaving the site!!
    hugs, Jami


Your comments are really special to me! Thanks so much for stopping by to look and share. It is great to be back posting and blog hopping again. :-) Shirley